Solo And His Books

Meet Solo

Hi, my name is Solo and I’m a Basset puppy. I love to explore my backyard and play with all my toys.

Sometimes my friend Molly gets my leash and we go for long walks with my very best friend Cowgirl.

My favorite thing to do is playing ball with Cowgirl.

I also like to play with my mother. Her name is Ava and she is very smart.

I’m not all grown up so sometimes I don’t understand what to do. I’m glad that Cowgirl, my mother and Molly help me to make good choices. I know they love me and I love them.

Sometimes I worry because I’m so short or because I trip on my long ears. I also worry when someone else is sad or mad. If I don’t know what to do, I ask my good friends and my mother for help.

I hope you and I can be good friends because I love to tell stories about all the things I learn. You can read my stories with your mother or father or your sister or brother.

Maybe you can read them with your good friends.

Read all about Solo and his adventures in your favorite “Short Basset Tales” book
and be sure to answer all the questions at the end of the book.
The answers can be found by clicking

You can also have fun coloring Solo’s pictures.

Little Solo is a sweet basset puppy. He has short legs and his best friend has long legs. He has a long tail and his friend, Cowgirl, has a tail “too short to wag.” Solo has very long ears that hang down to the ground and Cowgirl has short, pointed ears that are on top of her head.

Everyone is different and there are lots of different ways of handling problems. Solo’s family and good friends guide him as he grows.

Solo is proof that friendships grow stronger as you get to know yourself and others.

Wow! Solo should have been all tired out and sleepy after his very long day.

He wasn’t sleepy at all. He was running around and playing with all his toys. Why was little Solo so excited?

His best friend, Cowgirl, asked him, “Why are you running around like that?” 

All Solo knew was that he was VERY happy!

It was easy for Solo to become so happy and you will learn his secret in this story.

Solo is growing up and learning important things. He discovers an exciting dog show game called Agility, and it makes him super happy.

He still loves playing ball with his friend, Cowgirl, but this new game makes Solo want everyone to feel as happy as he does.

His friend, Molly, says this means that he has found his Own Joy.

Joy is happiness and gratitude and it stays inside you. You can still have sad days, but when you have found joy, bad things don’t seem to matter so much.

This story tells how a beautiful butterfly helped Solo to find his “Own Joy”. You will find your “Own Joy” too.